This week’s pick:
“Both Sides Are Even” by The Boxer Rebellion
Where I found The Boxer Rebellion: I honestly have no idea, but probably Grey’s Anatomy. Man I miss television. How long until the new season starts up? Three months... damn.
What I like: To be honest I just recently came across these guys so I’m still discovering them on a song by song basis, this just happens to be one of my favourites so far. The Boxer Rebellion seem to always have great guitar work (the reverb-laden lead in the chorus reminds me a lot of Coldplay, and I mean that in a good way) and I love lead singer Nathan Nicholson’s airy vocals, but I think maybe my favourite touch in “Both Sides Are Even” is the rolling snare drum underneath everything. I just love the vibe the snare gives off. I know with all the other great things going on in this song it’s kind of random to center out the drum part, but hey – the heart wants what it wants.
Both Sides Are Even - The Boxer Rebellion