Saturday, June 25, 2011

Song(s) of the week

This week’s pick:
“Both Sides Are Even” by The Boxer Rebellion
Where I found The Boxer Rebellion: I honestly have no idea, but probably Grey’s Anatomy. Man I miss television. How long until the new season starts up? Three months... damn.
What I like: To be honest I just recently came across these guys so I’m still discovering them on a song by song basis, this just happens to be one of my favourites so far. The Boxer Rebellion seem to always have great guitar work (the reverb-laden lead in the chorus reminds me a lot of Coldplay, and I mean that in a good way) and I love lead singer Nathan Nicholson’s airy vocals, but I think maybe my favourite touch in “Both Sides Are Even” is the rolling snare drum underneath everything. I just love the vibe the snare gives off. I know with all the other great things going on in this song it’s kind of random to center out the drum part, but hey – the heart wants what it wants.
Both Sides Are Even - The Boxer Rebellion

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Song(s) of the week

This week’s pick:
“Rill Rill” by Sleigh Bells
Where I found Sleigh Bells: Surprisingly, on an actual music television station. Although it was like 5 in the morning at the time so take that with a grain of salt.
What I like: It took me a couple of listens to really get into, but there’s something endlessly addicting about the way “Rill Rill” is put together. The production is fantastic, the hook is phenomenally catchy, and while the song never ventures too far from its comfort zone – lead singer Alexis Krauss’s voice never changes its expression – it’s perhaps the chant-like nature of “Rill Rill” that really gives it its charm.
Rill Rill - Sleigh Bells

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Song(s) of the week

This week’s pick:
“Crown Of Age” by The Ettes
Where I found The Ettes: This pick is kind of old. I first found The Ettes around the time that movie Whip It was coming out. Drew Barrymore was on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and The Ettes came out as the musical act because “Crown Of Age” was on the Whip It soundtrack. Somehow I managed to let it slip my mind until now which is unfortunate, because it’s a damn good song.
What I like: It’s simple and it’s catchy as shit. Pretty much exactly what garage rock should be.
Crown Of Age - The Ettes

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Song(s) of the week

I apologise for the slow week. I’ve been using the time to catch up on another project of mine (which really means a ton of procrastination). But I’m back... mostly because I couldn’t bear the thought of missing a song of the week.
This week’s pick:
“Whirring” by The Joy Formidable
Where I found The Joy Formidable: Conan. By the way, he has a new movie coming out and it looks awesome.
What I like: Chocolate, girls who love Star Wars, and catchy reverb-laden pop. This song falls into the latter category. When I hear it, I like the way I feel.
Whirring - The Joy Formidable